Through the VFW’s National Military Assistance Program (MAP), members of VFW Post 8273 in Frisco, Texas, helped feed more than 2,500 active-duty troops and their families on March 3.

The Post co-sponsored a “Family Day” event in honor of the 301st Fighter Wing at the Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base in Fort Worth, Texas, supplying 11 pallets filled with a variety of drinks, snacks and desserts.

“We were thrilled with the turnout,” Post 8273 Commander Shenna Lawless said. “The opportunity to support the 301st Fighter Wing’s Family Day was provided by 1st Sgt. Kenny McMillen, a life member of our Post, and we seized it enthusiastically. Thanks to MAP, we were able to contribute significantly.”

Through the use of national VFW programs like MAP, which has helped sponsor events supporting more than 2.3 million service members and their families since 2005, VFW Posts like 8273 have cultivated relationships with their local military communities.

From “Family Day” events to deployment and welcome home ceremonies, festivals and holidays, the MAP program is a valuable asset for all VFW Departments and Posts to use in order to build on their presence among active-duty troops.

“Participating in events like the Family Day for the 301st Fighter Wing is crucial for us,” Lawless said. “It offers a unique chance to connect with service members and share the mission and benefits of the VFW, reinforcing our commitment to supporting them.”